February 19, 2011

Makenna switches over to a "big girl" toddler bed- February 12, 2011

Sam and I decided it was time to switch Makenna's crib into the toddler bed. She started to show signs of wanting to climb out of her crib and we didn't want her hurting herself so Sam changed her crib into the toddler bed last weekend! Makenna LOVES it and has done very well with it. She goes right to bed at night. She goes down for naps still but sometimes mommy has to go in once or twice and tuck her in again and tell her it's time to go to sleep and to stay in bed and then she falls asleep. It's been a lot easier of a transition than I thought it would be. We're so very proud of our little woogie.

Valentine's Day-Feb 14, 2011

Well, I fell off the band wagon and just couldn't get my act together to post a picture a day for a year. So, maybe I will just start trying to post special events and holidays instead. I commend those who do it but there just isn't enough hours in the day to do that right now. Maybe one day.

Here are a few photos taken on Emily's 1st Valentine's Day! I got a couple of sweet ones of the girls together too. It's almost impossible to photograph two little ones at the same time.